1245 McKay Avenue street perspective, design by Ankrom Moisan

Developer Files for Entitlement of Alameda Wellness Center at 1245 McKay Avenue, West Alameda

Equity Community Builders have applied to receive an entitlement for the mixed-use Alameda Wellness Center at 1245 McKay Avenue, West Alameda. The project will provide fifty medical beds and patient care, and residential amenities to connect with an existing senior housing building and is being developed alongside permanent supportive housing, though under separate permits. Alameda Point Collaborative is the property owner.

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1950 Page Street

Vertical Addition Proposed For Institute of Arts and Culture At 1950 Page Street, San Francisco

Development permits were submitted seeking the approval of the modification of structures situated at 1950 Page Street in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco. The project proposal includes legalization of building use from a boys and girls club to middle-high school use and modification of existing academic building, Institute of Arts and Culture. The construction includes a vertical addition with group housing to an existing building. Nie Yang Architects is managing the design concept and construction of the project.

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2455 Harrison Street, rendering by Kerman Morris Architects

Renderings Revealed for 2455 Harrison Street, Mission District, San Francisco

New planning documents have been published for the mixed-use development of 2455 Harrison Street in the Mission District of San Francisco. The proposal calls for the demolition of a small commercial structure to make way for a new building with five apartments and non-life science laboratory space. Wickman Development & Construction is managing the project through Fahman Properties LLC.

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