2403 San Pablo Avenue

Meeting Scheduled Today For a Mixed-Use Project At 2403 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley

Project applications have been filed seeking the approval of a mixed-use project proposed at 2403 San Pablo Avenue in Berkeley. The project proposal includes the development of a four-story mixed-use building offering residential units, onsite parking, and retail space on lease. Plans call for the demolition of an existing one-story commercial building, Omega Salvage Store, spanning an area of 8,252 square feet. Studio KDA is responsible for the designs.

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1458 San Bruno Avenue looking south east, rendering by Multistudio

Progress for 1458 San Bruno Avenue in Potrero Hill, San Francisco

The San Francisco Planning Department has published a certificate of determination, confirming that a seven-story apartment proposal at 1458 San Bruno Avenue is eligible for the streamlined environmental review process. The plans utilize the State Density Bonus program to create 232 apartments, with 28 affordable, directly across from the Potrero del Sol park in Potrero Hill. The first-time housing developer Christopher Goode, whose family has owned the property for decades, is responsible for the project.

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