1700 Egbert Avenue self storage building, rendering by James Goodman Architecture and Robert Scott

Self Storage & Affordable Housing Plans for Bayview, San Francisco

The preliminary project assessment application has been filed for a new six-story self-storage building and an affordable housing project at 1700 Egbert Avenue in Bayview, San Francisco. The plans will expand the existing ExtraSpace Storage facilities while adding affordable housing overlooking Williams Avenue and the nearby train tracks. S2 Partners LLC is the project sponsor.

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575 East Blithedale Avenue street view, rendering by Mark Cavagnero Associates and Wright Architecture Studio

Plan Progress for Housing at 575 East Blithedale Avenue in Mill Valley, Marin County

A notice of exemption has been released for the residential project at 575 East Blithedale Avenue on Kite Hill in Mill Valley, Marin County. The exemption paves the way for the plans to move through the California Environmental Quality Act, bringing plans to create 25 homes on 1.2 acres closer to construction after nearly two decades of trying. Phil Richardson, the project sponsor, created the first draft in 2004.

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