Senter Road Project Front Elevation

Meeting Today | Affordable Housing in East Alma Avenue, San Jose

Development permits have been filed for a new affordable housing project proposed on a site located toward the northwest side of Senter Road between Keyes Street and East Alma Avenue in San Jose. The project proposal includes the subdivision of the project site into 47 lots to construct 44 residential lots and three common lots. Affordable Housing Land Consultant LLC is listed as the project applicant and owner.

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988 Market Street, image courtesy CAST San Francisco

Plans Shift for Warfield Building Conversion in San Francisco

Plans for the nine-story Warfield Building are shifting from residential to cultural conversion at 988 Market Street in San Francisco’s Mid-Market neighborhood. Community Arts Stabilization Trust and KALW Public Media have made a joint announcement sharing plans to turn the historic building into a hub for arts and journalism dubbed Warfield Commons. Group I had previously pursued a conversion of the Warfield Group into housing.

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825 Drake Avenue, elevation by AO

Meeting Today for Reduced Plans at 825 Drake Avenue, Marin City

The Marin County Board of Supervisors is scheduled to review plans today and approve reduced plans for 825 Drake Avenue in Marin City. The project was approved with 74 units in 2020 but has remained on hold ever since. This latest proposal now seeks to construct 42 units at Drake Avenue, while secondary plans are being championed to build the remaining 32 units in unincorporated Mill Valley. The Pacific Companies is responsible for the application.

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