30 Van Ness Avenue, design by Solomon Cordwell Buenz . Rendering by Steelblue

Demolition Complete for 30 Van Ness Avenue Skyscraper, Civic Center, San Francisco

Demolition crews have cleared the former five-story structure that stood at 30 Van Ness Avenue. Next for the property is a mixed-use skyscraper that will expand the high-rise profile of Civic Center’s Market & Octavia Area Plan district, or ‘The Hub.’ Construction will create a 47-story tower with offices, 333 condominiums, and a performing arts space. Lendlease, a multinational Australian-based company behind many high-profile projects worldwide, is the project developer.

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Oak Knoll Townhomes

More Single Family Housing Under Review at 8750 Mountain Boulevard In Oakland

A Final Development Permit (FDP) has been submitted seeking the approval of a housing project at 8750 Mountain Boulevard in Oakland. The project proposal includes the development of townhomes on two parcels that are a part of the bigger project site. The project will undergo three phases of development. SunCal is the project applicant. Oak Knoll Venture Acquisitions LLC is the property owner. Danielian Associates is the main architect on the project while PGAdesign is responsible for the landscape architecture.

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440 Arden Way, image courtesy BRIDGE Housing

Notice of Exemption for Affordable Housing at 440 Arden Way, Old North Sacramento

Plans to build new affordable housing are moving through the California Environmental Quality Act review process for 440-490 Arden Way in Old North Sacramento. The proposal has received the Notice of Exemption after an environmental review. The proposal, by BRIDGE Housing Corporation, will replace a vacated armory building with 124 new units of affordable units, including permanent supportive housing.

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